8 Artikel bei Auktionen und Galerien:
северная америка
Колье "Легенды Севера" Necklace "Legends of the North".
Helen Kolomoiets (geb. 1969)
Shop Kolomoiets Helen

Helen Kolomoiets
Exclusive handmade jewellery designer. Products: necklaces, bracelets, accessories, earrings, brooches.

Kolomoiets Helen
Anzahl der Produkte: 4
Alex SAVART (geb. 1958)
Shop SAVART Alex

Alexey Smirnov is a contemporary, distinctive artist working at junction of fine art with its inherent esthetics and contemporary art with its intentional “madness”, challenge and hidden meaning.
For many years the painter have been trying to find himself. Never copying any of his colleagues-artists he refined his mastership, searched for his own artistic language. Soon these endeavours began to produce results – Alexey formed his original bright and remarkable volume technique of painting works of art.
The creative work of Alexey Smirnov differs with his enhanced sensitive perception of life, search of new means of expression consonant with modern times. The principal theme of Alexey Smirnov’s art is modernity. In his works the perception of environment loses its single-valuedness. Almost each painting makes the viewer to contemplate it long while, provoking a number of associations and deliberations. In his works one can often observe the collision of the mundane and the fantastic, interlacing of lyric and grotesque, romance and irony.
The characteristic feature of the author’s plastic language is a sharp feel of colouring, expression and fascination with texture, all of it allowing realize both formal decorative and conceptual psychologic tasks. Through the half-opened door of his art the author invites the viewer to make a step into the unknown, where vibrations of picturesque lines, gorgeous forms and fantastic constructions are filled with sense and obtain their ethereal tangibility, transform into structures of the World around us. The World consisting not of things and subjects but of essences, powers and energies. The play of lines of the picture, surfaces of colour and space in the artist’s compositions form metaphorical image of beingness, put in motion the viewer’s intellect, encouraging him for self-perfection and finding knowledge of eternal secrets of the universe.

Anzahl der Produkte: 42
Дыхание вселенной
Alla Aleksandrovskaya (geb. 1989)
Shop Aleksandrovskaya Alla

Alla Aleksandrovskaya
Я родилась в семье художников, наблюдая за мамой с ранних лет я занималась скульптурой и живописью. Исследуя мир вокруг я пыталась понять и осмыслить реальность и определить своё место в ней. Изучая философию и психологию я нашла собственный язык приемы и средства для выражения сложных, для визуального отображения сюжетов. Исследую проблемы мироздания, жизни и смерти, тему конечности. Вопросы которые я задаю, созвучны с сложившимися в древности религиозно-мифологическими представлениями и поисками, но я предаю им тонкую психологическую нагрузку и пытаюсь раскрыть так, как я это вижу чувствую. Придерживаясь мнения, что не существует объективного положения вещей и точного определения общей для всех реальности. В своих исследованиях я не ограничиваю себя рамками одного сюжета -это симбиоз психологических практик,практических экспериментов и философских поисков.
I was born into a family of artists. Watching my mother from an early age I was involved in sculpture and painting. Exploring the world around me, I tried to understand and comprehend reality and define my place in it. Studying philosophy and psychology, I found my own language, techniques and means to express subjects difficult to visualize. I explore the problems of creation, life and death, the theme of finitude. The questions I ask are consonant with ancient religious and mythological ideas and searches, but I give them a subtle psychological load and try to reveal them as I see them. I adhere to the view that there is no objective state of affairs and no precise definition of reality common to all. In my research I do not limit myself to a single subject; it is a symbiosis of psychological practices, practical experiments, and philosophical quests.

Aleksandrovskaya Alla
Anzahl der Produkte: 7